
🥙 Meal DB

All routes for Meal DB start with /mealdb

Search Query

Searches for meals based on the provided search query.

  • URL: /search/:searchQuery
  • Method: GET
  • URL Parameters:
    • searchQuery (required): The search query for meals.
  • Response: Returns a JSON object with an array of meals that match the search query.
        "name": "Pancakes",
        "ingredients": [
                "ingredient": "Flour",
                "measure": "100g "
                "ingredient": "Eggs",
                "measure": "2 large"
        "youtubeLink": "",
        "thumbnail": "",
        "tags": [
        "area": "American",
        "category": "Dessert",
        "id": "52854"

Meal by ID

Retrieves a single meal based on the provided meal ID.

  • URL: /meal/:mealId
  • Method: GET
  • URL Parameters:
    • mealId (required): The ID of the meal.
  • Response: Returns a JSON object with the details of the meal.
    "name": "Carrot Cake",
    "ingredients": [
            "ingredient": "Sugar",
            "measure": "550ml"
            "ingredient": "Eggs",
            "measure": "5"
    "youtubeLink": "",
    "thumbnail": "",
    "tags": [
    "area": "British",
    "category": "Dessert",
    "id": "52897"

Meals by Category

Retrieves a list of meals based on the provided category.

  • URL: /category/:category
  • Method: GET
  • URL Parameters:
    • category (required): The category of meals.
  • Response: Returns a JSON object with an array of meals that belong to the specified category.
        "name": "Blini Pancakes",
        "youtubeLink": "",
        "thumbnail": "",
        "area": "",
        "category": "",
        "id": "53080"
        "name": "Boulangère Potatoes",
        "youtubeLink": "",
        "thumbnail": "",
        "area": "",
        "category": "",
        "id": "52914"